Andrew - Jersey Bronze Badge Tourist Guide 2020

Jersey French Law - Occupation WW11.


As a Jersey based Lawyer (Advocate). Venturing from a practicing Lawyer I am well advertist with our 'Norman French' ancient judiciary.

  • My interest derives from Les Etats de Jersey. The original government was made up of Jurats, Rectors and Connétables, representing the three estates of Crown, Church and People.  Today's parliament consists of Connétables, Senators and Deputies. With 'The Bailiff' who is equivalent to a 'Prime Minister' or President, which chairs the sitting council of our States assembly. The sovereign of Great Britain is also represented by the 'Governor', who is appointed for a term of office (5 years duration).
  • The 'Sovereign of Great Britain' is still addressed as 'The Duke of Normandy", featuring back to 'William the Conqueror'!

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